Sunday, January 15, 2017

Life as a Single Mother

It was never my goal to be a single mother, but it is my destiny to be the greatest mother that I can be.

There are days when I feel like I am not doing a single thing right, and there are days I feel like everything is going as planned and Ive got things under control. I never in a million years imagined being a single mother,  but I wouldn't ever change it for the world.

Being a single mother, is possibly the hardest thing I've ever done in my life, but it is also the most rewarding. Its twice the work, twice the stress, twice the tears but its also twice the hugs,twice the love, and twice the pride. 

I have my days, where all I do is think. My mind is filled with hate towards my children father, because I HATE that these two perfect babies have to grow up without a "normal family." I never ever wanted this for them, but you cant force someone to be a family, if they truly don't want it. Oh well though, thats his loss not mine...

I spend every waking second that I get with my kids, I always find myself staring at them while they play, sleep and even just walk. Because they're my biggest blessings, and accomplishments in my life. I feel like I miss out of a lot of their lives because of work, but I am blessed to have the help that I do from my family while I am at work! I am the sole provider for them, everything they want or need is purchased by me, I get zero help from their father. BUT I like it that way, because I am strong enough to handle it.

I work usually 35+ hours a week, and take online classes, while I care for them, and there are days when I break down and cry because I am so overwhelmed, but I look at them and remind myself that its all for them. I always think about giving up, but then I remember who is watching me.

I am lonely some nights, I sometimes forget to eat. I'll go without, just so my kids can have everything they want and need. Its not easy. All I want is for my kids to be proud of me, I want them  to know that I did EVERYTHING I could for them. I want them to know that despite the struggle, I NEVER gave up on them.

My two kids are my life, my rocks, they're the reason my heart beats, they're the reason for the smile on my face, they're my everything, They are my PURPOSE. 

I will always strive to be the GREATEST mother I can be to these two, for as long as I live. 

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