Friday, May 26, 2017

What goes on inside your head?

After a recent search on Pinterest, I saw a pretty neat idea about a blog post. 

Writing down every thought you've had during your day today. So while I go through my day, I will jot down what I've got going on in my mind!

  • Omg it's already time to go to work.
  • Okay; I need coffee, how do I work this thing.
  • I hope everyone likes my coffee, idk what I'm doing with this coffee machine thing.
  • My hair is a mess today. 
  • And you kidding me?
  • Why is this place such a mess?
  • Omg, it is so cluttered and messy over here!
  • If I have to highlight another line I think I may screen! 
  • A 3rd serving of cake won't hurt wil it?
  • You're really awkward.
  • Did that really just come out of your mouth?
  • I think my underwear is falling off, what the hell.
  • Is it time for lunch yet? Ugh nope it's only 1030
  • Ugh I have to go to the bank after work.
  • What am I going to get my mom for her birthday?
  • Am I almost done with this stuff yet?
  • I really hope I don't have I work the sidewalk sale tomorrow in the 90 degree heat. 
  • God this hair today!
  • Omg I've only for 10 minutes left of work, yay!
  • Time to go, ugh now I need to go to he banks
  • Do I really have to go to the bank tho? 
  • Man this traffic sucks so much, I just wanna go home
  • What kind of ringtone was that, that was weird.
  • This chick is way to happy and it freaks me out.
  • Yay money'!
  • Ugh should I go or should I wait?
  • What the hell, this traffic is horrible.
  • I miss my man, I wish I could talk to him ok the phone.
  • Please say you can talk.
  • YAY! 
  • Awh man I'm home, now I gotta do more work.
  • Yes! Sitting down finally.
  • Okay I need to go grocery shopping now
  • I hope the kids behave
  • Do I need cookies or do I need fruit?
  • Ugh I want to buy junk food so bad
  • I hope I didn't over spend 
  • Yay more traffic
  • I just wanna sleep and take a bath. 
  • Well I guess it's time to get dinner.
  • Eww this is way to spicy.
  • Time to start moving, do I really have to tho.
  •  Finally kids are asleep, I need to relax
  • Bath or shower?
  • I can't wait to be in bed. 
  • Alright, I'm out, no more time to blog! Goodnight world!  

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