Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Being A LEO Wife

I'm often asked what it is like to be a "Police Wife"

Though it is great, it is challenging. I do not think others understand what really goes on in this life.

I wake up to the sound of Michaels' phone alarm; 4am sharp and as soon as I hear that alarm, I pray. I pray that God watches over everyone on his shift and most importantly him. I constantly wait by my phone for just a text saying "Hello", because with that text I know he is safe. There is no such thing as an 8 hour day, although I wish there were. Sometimes a 12 hour shift can turn into a 20 hour shift. A simple traffic stop can turn into a drug bust, another officer can need backup or simply you are just stuck doing reports (BOO)

Sometimes I will spend all day in the kitchen cooking a nice dinner for the family, when I'm usually just eating alone, and putting his in the fridge. I often have to put the kids to bed myself, and try to explain to them how much daddy loves them and that he's working so we can sleep safe tonight. Making plans and having a "date night" is never something you should do because more often than not, he gets a late call or is stuck on a call and things just end up not going the way you have planned. I am grateful to be able to keep him awake long enough when  he gets home at night to be able to talk to him. and you will learn not to take it personally when even at your best, you can not compete with exhaustion. 
Holidays and special occasions just have to be worked around and pushed onto a different day. Driving in the car together turns into a game, spotting the cars he would pull over and what for. 

You will learn to laugh at things you could never even imagine. Like hearing about a prostitute on her period bleeding in his patrol car. Or just really anything he encounters during his long 12 hour shift.I have found a way to block out the news while he is on shift, so I don't find myself worrying all day. 

Being a LEO wife, means being as dedicated to his love of the job as he is, Putting him first, not out of sense of duty or out of submission or control, but out of love and respect for all he faces every time he walk out of the door. Its realizing its not a job to him, it is who he is. You often learn that being frustrated is normal , but being angry and resentful is not an option. There is a reason Officers choose a profession with immense stress, non-existent holidays, huge potential danger, horrible hours and low pay. It is because they are called to duty, they are compelled by a desire to help those in need, to make a protect and serve. Being a LEO wife means having a mutual respect and understanding of the fact being willing to make the continual compromises and sacrificed to enable your LEO to be able to head off into the night in the best frame of mind he possibly can have.

Although I find myself wanting to complain about not being able to have a break, I have to sit back and realize how easy I have it, and i have it that way because I have this amazing man that stands before me and takes care of me and our children. I feel as if i have to be his backbone, to keep him levelheaded and happy because of this stressful career that he has. I have to be reassuring and confident in everything. Yes it is a challenge, but I promised him I would always be strong for him, and that is what i will always do. 

There are many people out there that view cops as crooked, lazy, donut eating fools. With a chip on their shoulders and pride swelling due to a gun carrying power. There are bad people in every profession, and there are also good people in every profession. For the good ones, consider and remember this.....

Police Officers live each day fully prepared to lay down their lives for any given stranger at any given moment. They spend countless hours away from they family to help protect yours, and they will face those persons with nothing to gain when they themselves have everything to lose.

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