Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Life as A Stay at Home Mom

In a perfect world being a stay at home mom means being able to sit on the couch and watch TV all day not having to move a finger. Lets be honest though, this isn't a perfect world and that is definitely not what I do during the day.  I am a mother to two crazy, opinionated, loud and happy kids... And two very very stubborn dogs. I drink way more coffee than I should and I pretty much plan my life around it. But let's be honest it's probably better I drink it so in not a monster.

I want to add, that being a stay at home mom is definitely not a luxury, I mean yeah it's awesome I get to stay home and watch my kids grow into who they are and be with them every second of the day, but it is also very stressful and sometimes depressing... Although I tend to only get depressed when I run out of coffee and food. People often underestimate exactly what a "stay at home mom" does. They often think that we just lay around all day and watch TV and relax. But let me tell you, it is far from that. It's cleaning and cooking, changing diapers, doing laundry, cleaning up spilled drinks and food, giving about 3 baths a day because your kids find everything to get into that makes a mess.  Let me add, trying to live off of one salary is also not the easiest thing in the world, but with money management its possible...and the salary off a police officer is might I add pathetic....considering what they do!

I get maybe 10 minutes of time for myself during the usual day, 20 if I'm lucky. The only time I'm ever on the couch is with the kids and trying to sit through a god awful episode of sponge bob, but at least it isn't Peppa Pig....that show is banned indefinitely in this house! Do my kids care?  No they don't. Why? because that show is Satin in form of a tv show and is so intolerable to even explain!

I am a personal chef everyday, I make my kids breakfast everyday.... Okay maybe not everyday but pretty dang close. It's usually either eggs and cheese with some toast in the side, or some cinnamon pancakes with some syrup and juice. More often than not, the food I spent all morning making is fed to the dog because the kids would rather have Cheerios or Captain Crunch. I mean yeah it's good but come on my cooking is way better! As hard as I try to make my kids eat healthy, if they want cereal at least they're eating. I can't say I didn't try! In the midst of it all, I usually forget to eat and end up going all day without food and just snacking at the most inappropriate of times. 
The same thing usually goes on at lunch time too, but I still try! 

I feel like in the course of a day I hear myself say "No" more than about 100 times. More towards my stubborn puppy than anyone but still, she's one of my babies too! I say things during the day you wouldn't typically think you'd say, like "Hey stop putting cars in your underwear " or "don't put noodles in your sisters hair" but in the end it just goes to show you the joys of motherhood!
Going through the day I'm pretty sure I'm doing atlas 10 things wrong. At least I try my best though!

I have to be an entertainer thought out the day, no it is not as easy as it looks. I have to make blanket forts and pretend I'm a dinosaur or horse, or whatever else I am supposed to be during the day. More often than not questioning my sanity. I have to teach my kids how to use their imagination and to never grow up! 

I am a maid.....I am pretty sure I clean all day, mostly because I'm OCD and totally hate seeing a mess, and on the other hand I just love seeing my kids be able to make memories with their toys and continuously dump them out all day and be grateful for what they have!  And for another reason of. Have you ever stepped on a hot wheels car?  Well it feels almost worse that putting a stun gun on yourself and shooting the electrical currents on yourself... Yes I'm curious and I've tried it, so there is another reason I'm always cleaning.... Because stepping on toys when you're in a hurry to get something does not feel go good!  Not only that, but GERMS, they live everywhere. I honestly don't believe there is enough bleach in the world to keep everything clean. I am a net freak, yeah i have to wipe down my walls everyday, and okay maybe I take it a little to far when I clean my sink and dry it so its clean, but at least I know that my house is clean and I have tackled 99.8% of the germs that are laying around!

I mean, how can you get mad at a mess when the person who made it is just so cute!

Addison is just the innocent bystander who doesn't really make the mess, she just plays in it and trys to figure out how to walk through it! 

I am a Person Guide everyday.... Life is hard for children, and they need guidance and I feel like I am hard on them at times but it's because I love them. Being with your kids all day is amazing, but I think people often forget about all the crying you can listen to in a day, and the amount of times a child gets hurt and how you constantly have to be right on your toes because, they just don't know any better! It's hard, it's stressful. I have no one to talk to during the day that really understands what I what to talk about so I keep it to myself...
I listing to my kids fight over toys and try to not get involved because they'll figure it out! 

I think I do about 5 loads of laundry a day, I mop my floors around 4 times a day. I always try to have the whole house cleaned before the time Michael gets home so I can sit down and try to relax when he gets home. Getting dinner made with a 1 year old is nearly impossible, but she has become a growth on the side of my hip that never moves.  

I always have a hard time at bath time, the bathroom usually ends up looking like a pipe busted, and I usually end up soaked but at least I know my kids are clean! 

My kids have a pretty bad sleep schedule, not because I'm a crappy parent, but because they really just don't like to sleep and they don't want to miss anything that goes on during the day! 
I usually get a good four hours of sleep during the night, because well I stay up late so I can just have a little bit of your time and watch my tv shows that I've missed all day long while watching paw patrol and Sofia the first! 

But in the end of the day, there is no greater feeling than knowing you made your kids happy, and took care of them and saw every milestone they've ever had. I've been doing this for 3 years and I'll forever do it for my kids because as long as they're happy that's all that matters. 

I pride myself on makeing sure my kids are happy and healthy. I am lucky I get to stay home all day long with my kids. Although I  wish I was "just sitting on the couch all day" I don't think that'll ever be possible with my two kids! 
but the best part of the day, is when they finally go to bed because they're just so much more peaceful when they're asleep! 

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