Tuesday, January 10, 2017

25 Things You Probably Don't Know About Me.

  1. Ive always wanted to take a cross country road trip and visit all the national parks I possibly can.
  2. I have the lowest self esteem I think anyone could ever have.         
  3. I hate losing, I am extremely competitive in everything I do.
  4. I fear death, and losing the people I love.
  5. I find myself looking at my kids baby pictures,and balling my eyes out because I am so blessed to have them.
  6. I am a hopeless romantic, which never seems to work out for me,
  7. I care about everyone else happiness but my own.
  8. If I am emotional around you, or open up to you and tell you what I think or whats on my mind, consider yourself special...because I don't open up to ANYONE.
  9. I live life like tomorrow won't come, I live to make people happy.
  10. I believe there is good in ever person, and I always try to find the good despite what everyone says.
  11. My Family, is my life. I would take a bullet for any one of them
  12.  I have an obsession with chicken wings.
  13. I am scared of heights
  14. I am the hardest person to make mad, and if you do....you better run!
  15. If I'm not saying anything, I'm either really really happy/relaxed or I'm realllllyyyyy pissed
  17. I have the WORST anxiety in the world
  18. I will eat a whole bag of pepperonis in one sitting.
  19. I give to many chances.
  20. I hardly ever match my socks.
  21. If I could live in any decade, it would be either be the 20's or 60's
  22. my favorite movie, is oh brother where art though
  23. I have the biggest dreams and goals for myself....and I WILL accomplish them.
  24. I love to sing, and dance.
  25. I never give myself enough credit for anything I do in life....

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