Wednesday, December 28, 2016

It's funny how life works. You know last night I spent hours writing about happiness and my life finally getting back to where I wanted it, and I was going to finish it tonight. But what's the point?
Because obviously my life yet again had to take a turn, and had to pretty much say "fuck you" all over again.

Why is it I let the people in that shouldn't be let in? Why do I try to find the good in absolutely everyone? Because all that ever happens, is me getting hurt by it. Why do I let people get to where they can walk all over me? Why the fuck do I care so much? Why can't I just stand up for myself and not let this happen.

I finally find my happiness again, things finally start going the right direction, and one negativec toxic and jealous person comes along and screws it all up for me. I swear I build myself up the best I can, and just turn on the self destruct mode because in reality I'm doing it to myself.  Why can't I love and respect myself enough the not let this happpen. Why? Why do I leave so many unanswered questions to myslef. My own questions to myself, eat me alive, they pick at my brain, they cause me to stress and over think. I just want a little bit of peace, I want something to be clear for me just once, and not just a blur

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