Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Making some Art....and messes!

Well, I figured we'd have some fun yesterday with some paint since the kids seemed pretty bored and wanted to get dirty so I pulled out some canvas and washable paint!

Clearly Addison was THRILLED!

And a tad bit hungry..... Don't worry it's non-toxic and I didn't let her eat the whole thing... Just one little lick so she wouldn't do it again!

Gabriel on the other hand was just painting away, and so happy to be doing so! 
Once "Sissy" saw how focused her brother was she decided that it wasn't that bad and ended up loving it! 

Needles to say they had a blast, Addison was pretty proud of hers and carried it around with her for a good 25 minutes 

Gabrie was pretty proud of his too! 

Now we will pack them up and send them to Momo and Papa so they can hang them up!

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