Thursday, December 8, 2016


One thousand words to say, one thousand words to write, one thousand words to think, but not enough paper and not enough ink. Confusing their and there and they're or to and two and too as one in the same, because my mind plays tricks and treats life like a game. 

And here I am typing it up and spitting it out to some invisible rhythm, my mind on a fast track to a huge collision. Because see love and hate play along this fine line of right or wrong and you can’t just keep riding along. Until boom bang crash all of your life gone in a flash. 

And still too much to think, too much to write, and too much to say but you let things get in your way. Like all the dos and donts the cans and cants the endless laws the endless rants. Like all the I should of could of would ofs in the world you’ll leave behind left on the whispers of wind. Because life is too short to have a second to stop and contemplate what’s our reason what’s our fate? And one day it’ll be an epiphany a small moment of brilliancy. Until then it’ll seem like too much of wishing and waiting and wanting that looking back on you’ll find haunting. 

Because you could have been chasing adrenaline and adventure but you played it safe and thus your life was censored. Because there’s one thousand words but not enough time to make a thousand blurbs. What if your life was transparent? What if people saw every part of you? All the mistakes, secrets, and joyful times in your life were exposed. Every text message, picture, and relationship was out in the open. 

Would your life measure up to who you claim to be? Would your testimony be proven true or would the reality of who you are be revealed? 

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